A Little Bit About Me…
I’ve been blessed with two biological children. My first pregnancy was challenging and my birth experience left me feeling powerless, violated, and full of anxiety.
When I became pregnant a second time, my fear about labor was almost unmanageable.
Enter in my God-send of a midwife (shout out to Saba!). She was the first medical staff that humanized me, empathized with me, and validated my experience. She made me feel seen and heard- something I’d never experienced in a medical office.
This gave me confidence that my second labor experience would be better than the first, but nothing prepared me for what would happen next.
After laboring in our home for 5 hours, my husband and I got into our car for our short 7 minute drive to the hospital, but my son just couldn’t wait. At the crazy intersection of Sunset and Hillhurst (iykyk!), my son was born in the car. What could have been a scary situation was actually an epic and magical experience that I’ll forever be grateful for.
I had a redemptive birth experience.
So that’s why I’m here! I want you to be heard. I want you to feel seen and feel safe. I want to empower you in your pregnancy, birth and postpartum journey.